
Colour Theory & Optical illusions

 This project was great to teach tinting/shading and the art of optical illusions.

 Students worked through a set of drawing instructions as guides by me on the whiteboard.
1. Draw 1 horizontal line across the paper
2. Starting at the horizon line, create small bumps (arc's) across the line. Vary the size of each arc.
3. Starting at the same starting point jump over the bump, finishing at the same point for each.
4. Continue creating jumps over each bump until you reach the end of the page.
5.Repeat the same action working your way toward the top of the page.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 below the horizon line.
7. Colour using 2-3 different colours for each column.
8. Students should shade heavier the outer edge of each column and apply the colour lighter (tinting) towards to middle of each column.

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